星期三, 5月 18, 2005


Miami大學醫學院精神治療系發表,主要研究對象是住院治療的兒童和青少年adjustment disorder and depression症狀,分成兩組,一組練習瑜珈和短暫的按摩和漸次的肌肉放鬆,一組則看放鬆錄影帶,研究結果顯示放鬆療法組的自我報告焦慮、焦慮行為、煩躁減少,而正向的影響增加,但是錄影帶對照組則無。adjustment disorder 患者和三分之一的沮喪患者顯示放鬆療法之後,可體松降低。而錄影帶對照組也沒有改變。


Relaxation therapy reduces anxiety in child and adolescent psychiatric patients.
Platania-Solazzo A, Field TM, Blank J, Seligman F, Kuhn C, Schanberg S, Saab P.
Acta Paedopsychiatr. 1992;55(2):115-20.
Department of Psychiatry, University of Miami, School of Medicine, FL 33101.
The immediate effects of relaxation therapy (RT) were assessed in 40 hospitalized children and adolescents with diagnoses of adjustment disorder and depression. These effects were assessed using a within subjects pre-test/post-test design and by comparison with a control group of 20 depressed and adjustment disorder patients who watched a 1-h relaxing videotape. The 1-h RT class consisted of yoga exercise, a brief massage and progressive muscle relaxation. Decreases were noted in both self-reported anxiety and in anxious behavior and fidgeting as well as increases in positive affect in the RT but not the video group. In addition, adjustment disorder patients and a third of the depressed patients showed decreases in cortisol levels following RT, while no changes were noted in the video group. Thus, both diagnostic groups appeared to benefit from the RT class.

Platania-Solazzo一,TM 領域,空白的J,塞利格曼F,庫恩C,尚伯格S,Saab P。
Acta Paedopsychiatr。 1992 ; 55 ( 2 ) : 115-20 .
用調整紊亂和沮喪的診斷送入醫院孩子和青少年,鬆弛治療(RT)的直接效應在40年被評價。 這些影響被在學科預先測試/ 檢測設計后內使用A 評價, 有看1-h 放鬆錄像帶的20位沮喪和調整紊亂病患的對照組的比較。 1-h RT 種類由瑜珈鍛鍊,一次簡短按摩和逐漸嚴重的肌肉鬆弛組成。 減少如兩個自我報告表明在憂慮和在焦慮不安行為內並且坐立不安以及正面增加在那些RT內影響但不是這錄像組。 另外, 調整紊亂病患和顯示的沮喪的病患的1/ 3 繼RT之后在cortisol 水準方面減少,而沒有變化如錄像組表明。 因此,兩診斷組看起來受益於RT 種類。



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