星期二, 10月 25, 2005


和上一篇同樣的作者Hankey A.,這篇是他比較早的研究,刊登於J Altern Complement Med. 2001 Oct;7(5):567-74.標題是Ayurvedic physiology and etiology: Ayurvedo Amritanaam. The doshas and their functioning in terms of contemporary biology and physical chemistry. 依照我不怎麼樣的三腳貓英文看來,似乎是要以現代生物學和生理化學的角度,來了解Ayurveda印度醫學理論裡頭的三種體質和15種次體質。他的結論是Ayurveda的體質分類和phase階段 transitions轉變 in irreversible不可逆轉的 thermodynamics熱電學的形式相關。


The three doshas of Ayurveda and their five respective subdoshas are related to the modern scientific framework of systems theory, phase transitions, and irreversible thermodynamics.

These empirically well-established concepts of Ayurveda then appear to be far more general biologic concepts than the neuroendocrinology of their functioning might imply.

They express universal concepts applicable across living organisms-control structures governing living systems.

The hypothesis that the 15 subdoshas can themselves be considered as 5 triplets implies that on the level of the whole organism, these secondary structures of control appeared at specific stages in the evolution of life, yielding new insights into their development and evolution.

The description of varying states of health and disease given in Ayurvedic etiology is related to the format of phase transitions in irreversible thermodynamics.


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