星期四, 10月 27, 2005


Asanas for Pitta

The best asanas for pitta are those that are calming平靜 and not overly heating不太熱. People of pitta nature or imbalance tend to be more assertive武斷的 and intense熱情的. Calming poses help sedate平靜 their intensity情感強度 and ease減輕 the emotions of anger and resentment憤慨 that they are prone to傾向. By alleviating減輕緩和 pitta, these asanas are good as part of the treatment for conditions such as ulcers潰瘍 and hyperacidity胃酸過多, liver disease肝病, and acne粉刺.

Asanas that help balance pitta are those that place pressure on the naval and solar plexus太陽神經叢 region, in the small intestine小腸 where pitta resides所在. These asanas directly affect the liver肝臟 and spleen脾臟 and help regulate控制 the strength力 of the digestive消化 fire.

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)駱駝式 is very beneficial有益的 for pittas. Kneel with the buttocks屁股 lifted抬起 as though好像 you were standing on your knees. Place your palms on your buttocks. Move your thighs大腿 and pelvis骨盆 forward as you extend伸展 the lower back, bringing your hands to your heels後腳跟. Gently extend your neck. Remember to breathe. This asana opens up開放 the abdomen下腹部, solar plexus太陽神經叢, and chest, allowing for freer movement of energy through these regions.

Bhujangasana蛇式 (Cobra Pose) and Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)弓式 are also excellent solar plexus extension poses for pitta. These asanas can play a role in the treatment of ulcers潰瘍 and hepatitis肝炎.

To perform Cobra Pose, lie face down with your feet together and ankles extended. Bend the elbows and place your hands flat on the floor by your lower ribs. (Less flexible people may choose to place the palms on the floor at shoulder level.) Upon inhalation, extend the elbows and raise the head, chest, and abdomen off the floor while keeping the pelvic bones on the floor. The head may be held in a neutral position or in extension.

Headstand should be avoided for people of pitta imbalance or constitution. Headstands heat the body, and much of this heat accumulates in the head and the eyes. The eyes are an organ controlled mainly by pitta. For this reason, Headstands can help cause or worsen diseases of the eyes. If a person of pitta constitution with no serious imbalance chooses to do Headstands, then the Headstand should be held for a very short period.

星期二, 10月 25, 2005


阿輸吠陀生命能量分類法(from 佛陀養生術,2005)

  1. Vata瓦塔--風型
  2. Pitta披塔--膽汁型
  3. Kapha卡發--黏液型


  • 瘦削的身材,體重不容易增加
  • 乾燥粗糙的皮膚,很容易龜裂
  • 牙齒狀況不佳
  • 呆滯的小眼睛(但並非全然如此)
  • 吃得很快而且不定時
  • 記憶力飄忽不定(記得快,忘得也快)
  • 容易失眠
  • 無法放鬆
  • 有咬手指頭的習慣
  • 果斷而不容易後悔
  • 很容易賺到錢(也很容易花掉)
  • 很難保持長久的人際關係
  • 性慾很強或者很弱
  • 會夢到飛行、跳躍、攀升、奔跑與爬上高聳的大樹
  • 很容易焦慮、緊張、恐懼與沮喪
  • 天生就多愁善感
  • 是禁慾主義者
  • 充分發展心靈層次,有人甚至有透視或超能力
  • 脈搏被稱為『蛇型』脈搏。每分鐘跳動八十到100下,快速、微弱、冰冷、不規則 不容易變胖
  • 動作快,總是在採取行動,朝目標前進
  • 不是很高就是很矮
  • 骨感,精力旺盛
  • 體重較輕
  • 愛幻想,超凡脫俗
  • 有創意
  • 不太實際
  • 容易改變


  • 比一般更黑的膚色
  • 舌頭乾燥
  • 嘴唇乾裂
  • 眼睛乾澀
  • 乾咳
  • 深黃色尿液
  • 又乾又硬的糞便
  • Vata過剩會造成全身脫水的現象,也就是體內空氣過多,水分不足

Asanas for Vata適合Vata體質的瑜珈體位法 (from Yoga Journal http://www.yogajournal.com/health/55.cfm)

The asanas which are most suitable for balancing vata are those that are calming and grounding by nature. They will counter the tendency for those with a vata imbalance to be "spacey," agitated, or nervous. These asanas will help allay fear, worry, and anxiety and also improve vata physical imbalances such as constipation, lower back pain, and joint pains. The lower abdomen, pelvis, and large intestine are the main residence of vata in the body, so many of these asanas compress the lower abdomen or cause the lower abdomen to become taut. In addition, asanas that strengthen the lower back help alleviate vata.


In general, most yoga asanas are good for balancing vata, since most asanas are calming to the mind. There are, however, some that are particularly good and some that should certainly be avoided. 大部分的體位法對平衡vata有益,因為大部分的體位法可平靜心靈,然而有些特別好,而有些必須要避免

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) is an exceptional asana for vatas. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. The arms may be raised over the head as you reach to the sky, or you may wish to bend the elbows手肘, clasping緊抱 the opposing arms just above the elbow and letting your forearms前臂 rest on依靠 or just above the crown頂端 of your head. Keeping your back straight, slowly bend forward from the hips臀部 as you exhale.呼氣 Bend as far forward as you comfortably can. Your hands may remain crossed交叉, touch the floor in front of your feet, or, if you are very flexible柔軟, be clasped just behind your heels後腳跟. For the less flexible, the hands may be placed on blocks瑜珈磚 which rest on the floor. Let gravity重力 assist協助 the lengthening of your spine. All standing asanas tend to be grounding if awareness覺察力 is placed on the feet, honoring the connection between your body and the Earth.

手碰腳式對vata很好 ,下彎的時候,如果柔軟度夠,可以緊抱腳跟,如果柔軟度很差,可以放一塊瑜珈磚在地上
Note that this asana can put quite a strain拉緊 on an injured lower back, so care should be used. If the lower back is simply tight, a condition related to aggravated嚴重的 vata, this is an excellent asana. The seated version of this asana, Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), will have similar value and may be easier if your back is sore疼痛發炎.


Balasana (Child's Pose)孩童式或嬰兒式 is another excellent asana for compressing壓縮 the pelvis骨盆 and the vata region. Sit upright筆直的 with your knees flexed彎曲 and placed underneath下面 your buttocks屁股. Keeping your arms to your side, bend forward from the hips until your head is resting on the floor in front of you. If you do not have the flexibility to place your head on the ground, place a folded blanket對折的毯子 or a pillow on the floor in front of you for your head to rest upon. Compression asanas are excellent for constipation便秘 and for chronic gas慢性脹氣.

Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose) is another good asana for vata. Kneel with your knees together and your buttocks resting on your heels. Move the legs out to the side of the pelvis so that the buttocks slide down in between both legs. Place the hands on the soles of the feet and lean back onto the elbows. This may be enough extension for many people. If you are flexible enough, gradually lower your back down to the floor. Your hands may lie by your side or be stretched above the head to lengthen the spine.

While this stretch does not compress the pelvis, it creates a mild extension of the lower abdominal muscles and lower back. This action increases the pressure in the pelvis, again alleviating vata. According to Ayurvedic doctor Vasant Lad, this asana is particularly useful as a part of treatment for vata-type asthma conditions.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) also extends the lower back and places pressure on the pelvis. Lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides. Lift the head, shoulders, and chest off of the mat and bend both knees. Reach back and take hold of the ankles. Let your legs draw your chest farther into the air so that your body weight rests on the pelvic region. This is essential for the maximum relief of vata.

Virasana (Hero Pose), Siddhasana (Easy Pose), and Padmasana (Lotus Pose) are very calming poses which sedate vata's agitated nature. These meditative poses are excellent for calming the nervous system, which aids in the healing of anxiety, nervousness, sciatica, and muscle spasm. The most calming pose of all is, of course, the supine Savasana (Corpse Pose).

People of vata nature should avoid asanas that are overly stimulating to the nervous system, such as repetitive Sun Salutations, and those that place excessive pressure on sensitive joints in the body. The cervicothoracic junction?he bony region where the neck meets the shoulders?s one of these areas. Here, large vertebrae stick out like "sore thumbs." People of vata nature and imbalance tend to have weaker bones, less fatty padding, looser ligaments, and more susceptibility to pain. For these reasons, Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) and Halasana (Plow Pose) should be avoided or modified by placing a blanket under the shoulders for extra padding. This also decreases the extreme flexion the neck is placed in. Even so, people of vata nature or imbalance should not hold these poses for very long, or they will risk injury.
非常適於平衡vata的asanas是是天生平靜和接地的的那些。 他們將為有一個vata 不平衡的那些反對趨勢成為"浮躁而輕率的人",使焦慮,或者神經。 這些asanas 將幫助減輕懼怕,擔心,和憂慮以及改進vata 物質的不平衡(例如便秘,更下部的背痛和共同痛苦)。 更下部的腹部,骨盆和大腸是在身體裡的vata的主要住宅, 因此大多數這些asanas 壓縮更低的腹部或者引起腹部變得拉緊越低。 另外,低回幫助減輕vata的加強的asanas。
因為大多數asanas是對心平靜的,通常,大多數瑜珈asanas有益於平衡vata。 不過有特別好的一些和當然應該被避免的一些。
Uttanasana(站向前彎曲處)是vatas的特別的asana。 關於肩寬度站著你的腳分開。 當你伸到天空時,臂可能被在頭上方舉起, 或者你可能希望彎曲肘, 緊握恰好在肘上面反對武器並且讓你的前臂放在上或者恰好在你的頭的王位上面。 保持你的非終點直道,緩慢地從臀部向前屈當你呼出時。 彎曲象你舒適地罐裝的一樣遠的前鋒。 你的手可能保持被穿過, 在你的腳的前面接觸地板,或者,如果你非常靈活,被在你的足跟後面就緊握。 對較少可變性來說,手可能被放在放在層上的塊上。 讓重力幫助你的脊骨的變長。 如果意識被放在腳上,全部站asanas傾向於接地,尊敬在你的身體和地球之間的連接。
注意到那這asana把相當不錯的勞累放在能上一向后使低受傷,因此小心能被使用。 如果更下部的背面的確緊,一種與加劇的vata有關的條件,這是極好的asana。 這安排坐下版本的這asana,Paschimottanasana(使坐下向前彎曲),有相似價值並且可能容易將你的背疼痛。
Balasana(孩子的姿勢)是壓縮骨盆和vata 地區的另一極好的asana。 筆直坐你的膝屈曲並且安置在你的臀部下面。 保持你的臂到你的邊,從臀部向前屈,直到你的頭正在你的前面放在地板上。 如果你沒有靈活性安置你的頭, ,安置在在你的前面那些層上的一條摺疊的毯子或者枕頭讓你的頭倚賴。 壓縮asanas 對於便秘和為慢性氣體是極好的。
Supta Virasana(斜倚英雄造成)另一好asana給vata。 一同與你的膝一起跪和你的臀部(座落在你的足跟)。 在外移動腿到骨盆的邊,以便臀部在在兩條腿之間裡滑坐下落。 將手放於腳的腳底上和向后倒到肘上。 這可能對許多人來說是足夠的擴展。 如果你足夠靈活,逐漸把你的背降低到地板。 你的手可以躺在你的邊旁邊或者被在頭上方伸展使脊骨變長。
當這伸展不壓縮骨盆時,它建立一次更低的腹部肌肉和更下部的背面的溫和的擴展。 這次行動在骨盆裡增加壓力,再次減輕vata。 根據Ayurvedic Vasant 少年醫生,這asana象對vata 類型氣喘病條件的治療的一部分一樣特別有用。
Dhanurasana(弓造成)也延長低回並且向骨盆施加壓力。 在你的邊用你的臂躺在你的胃上。 離開舉起這個墊席的頭,肩和胸和彎曲兩個膝。 向后達到並且抓住踝。 讓你的腿把遠的你的胸吸入空中,以便你的體重放在骨盆的地區上。 這對vata的最大的減輕是必要的。
Virasana(英雄造成),Siddhasana(容易姿勢),Padmasana(荷花造成)是非常平靜的把安祥的vata使自然焦慮的的姿勢擺好。 這些沈思的姿勢為使神經系統,在憂慮,緊張,坐骨神經痛和肌肉痙攣的治療方面平靜是極好的。 全部的最平靜的姿勢當然是旋后的Savasana(尸體矯柔造作)。
vata 自然的人應該避免過度給神經系統刺激的asanas, 例如重複的太陽問候和在身體裡對敏感的關節造成過高的壓力的那些。 cervicothoracic 交叉口嗎? 脖子遇見肩的他多骨的地區? s這些地區之一。 這裡,大脊椎伸出喜歡"疼痛拇指。 "vata 自然和不平衡的人傾向於有更弱的骨頭,不那么含脂肪的填,更鬆散的韌帶和更對的痛的敏感性。 由於這些原因, Salamba Sarvangasana(Shoulderstand)Halasana(犁造成)避免或者以設置一毯子在肩下為額外填修改。 這也減少脖子被放在裡的極端flexion。 雖然如此,vata 自然或者不平衡的人長時間不應該舉行這些姿勢,或者他們將冒傷的危險。


和上一篇同樣的作者Hankey A.,這篇是他比較早的研究,刊登於J Altern Complement Med. 2001 Oct;7(5):567-74.標題是Ayurvedic physiology and etiology: Ayurvedo Amritanaam. The doshas and their functioning in terms of contemporary biology and physical chemistry. 依照我不怎麼樣的三腳貓英文看來,似乎是要以現代生物學和生理化學的角度,來了解Ayurveda印度醫學理論裡頭的三種體質和15種次體質。他的結論是Ayurveda的體質分類和phase階段 transitions轉變 in irreversible不可逆轉的 thermodynamics熱電學的形式相關。


The three doshas of Ayurveda and their five respective subdoshas are related to the modern scientific framework of systems theory, phase transitions, and irreversible thermodynamics.

These empirically well-established concepts of Ayurveda then appear to be far more general biologic concepts than the neuroendocrinology of their functioning might imply.

They express universal concepts applicable across living organisms-control structures governing living systems.

The hypothesis that the 15 subdoshas can themselves be considered as 5 triplets implies that on the level of the whole organism, these secondary structures of control appeared at specific stages in the evolution of life, yielding new insights into their development and evolution.

The description of varying states of health and disease given in Ayurvedic etiology is related to the format of phase transitions in irreversible thermodynamics.


印度醫學Ayurveda是根據三種督夏doshas的原理而來的。將人分成三種體質,vata, pitta, and kapha,三種體質的分類並非絕對,你可能是其中兩種體型的混合,也可能含有70%的vata,20%的pitta,10%的kapha。而Ayurveda醫生判斷三種體質的成分百分比之後,會以印度草藥、或精油按摩、或食物改變、或心理層面、或斷食療法、或瑜珈體位法等等做治療。以下的論文是由Hankey A.發表,論文並沒有顯示這個人的來歷,是醫學院或者某大學。刊登在J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Jun;11(3):385-90.

論文發現有一種coenzyme A(輔酵素A),我想大概是作者自己命名的吧,這種coenzyme A可能就是doshas力量存在的證據,

A previous paper hypothesized that the tridosha of Ayurveda--vata, pitta, and kapha--constitute regulatory systems respectively controlling input/output, turnover, and storage; functions systems analysis identifies as fundamental to all open systems. This would make them universal properties of all living organisms, as Ayurveda itself maintains. This paper proposes independent scientific evidence for the proposed identification of the doshas and for the systems analysis on which it is based. In particular, it points to coenzyme A, a key component of fatty acid metabolism. Its universal presence in all cells implies that it is an evolutionary invariant ant that the biochemical pathway on which it lies must be exceptionally significant. The systems analysis shows that the pathway connects the cellular functions of energy turnover and energy storage, fundamental to the overall strategy of cell regulation. This, combined with the requirement for the pathway's close regulation, makes it effectively impossible to replace coenzyme A by a combination of simultaneous mutations or sequence of mutations and it should indeed remain invariant during evolution. The universality of coenzyme A is therefore consistent with its identified role, and supports the systems analysis identifying the doshas. Their systems functions survive developmental transformations of evolution with recognizable continuity. By virtue of that, vata, pitta, and kapha can be identified with them in all species.

星期三, 10月 19, 2005


Yogic versus conventional treatment in diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized control study.

Taneja I, Deepak KK, Poojary G, Acharya IN, Pandey RM, Sharma MP.

Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2004 Mar;29(1):19-33.

Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029, India.

This study was conducted to evaluate the comparative effect of yogic and conventional treatment in diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in a randomized control design. The patients were 22 males, aged 20-50 years, with confirmed diagnosis of diarrhea-predominant IBS. The conventional group (n = 12, 1 dropout) was given symptomatic treatment with loperamide 2-6 mg/day for 2 months, and the yogic intervention group (n = 9) consisted of a set of 12 asanas (yogic poses, i.e., Vajrasana, Shashankasana, Ushtrasana, Marjariasana, Padhastasana, Dhanurasana, Trikonasana in two variations, Pawanmuktasana, and Paschimottanasana) along with Surya Nadi pranayama (right-nostril breathing) two times a day for 2 months. All participants were tested at three regular intervals, at the start of study--0 month, 1 month, and 2 months of receiving the intervention--and were investigated for bowel symptoms, autonomic symptoms, autonomic reactivity (battery of five standard tests), surface electrogastrography, anxiety profile by Spielberger's Self Evaluation Questionnaire, which evaluated trait and state anxiety. Two months of both conventional and yogic intervention showed a significant decrease of bowel symptoms and state anxiety. This was accompanied by an increase in electrophysiologically recorded gastric activity in the conventional intervention group and enhanced parasympathetic reactivity, as measured by heart rate parameters, in yogic intervention group. The study indicates a beneficial effect of yogic intervention over conventional treatment in diarrhea-predominant IBS.

這項研究被處理評價yogic的比較效應,在隨機化排列裡的在顯著腹瀉的腸過敏綜合症(IBS)裡的道統的治療控制設計。 那些病患是22個男性,20-50 年歲,帶有顯著腹瀉的IBS的證實診斷。 傳統(n = 12,1 退出)組 有loperamide被給對症療法2-6毫克/天2個月, 並且yogic 介入(n = 9)組由一套12 asanas組成(yogic姿勢, 即,在兩個變化量方面的Vajrasana,Shashankasana,Ushtrasana,Marjariasana,Padhastasana,Dhanurasana,Trikonasana,Pawanmuktasana 和Paschimottanasana), 2個月Surya Nadi pranayama(右鼻孔呼吸)一天兩次。 全部參加者被在3 段有規律的間隔測試,在研究一開始的時候 --0個月,1個月和2個月的收到介入 --並且被為腸症狀調查, autonomic症狀, autonomic reactivity(5 標準考試的電池),表面electrogastrography,憂慮型以Spielberger的自我評估詢問表,評價特性並且說明憂慮。 兩個顯示一腸症狀的顯著的減少的常規和yogic 介入二月並且說明憂慮。 記錄在傳統的介入組裡的胃活動並且提升parasympathetic reactivity,這伴隨著electrophysiologically的增加, 象以心率參數測量,在yogic 介入組的那樣。 研究表明一種yogic對在顯著腹瀉的IBS裡的傳統的治療的介入的有利的效應。

星期日, 10月 16, 2005



DiBenedetto M, Innes KE, Taylor AG, Rodeheaver PF, Boxer JA, Wright HJ, Kerrigan DC.Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005 Sep;86(9):1830-7.
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 22908, USA.

OBJECTIVE: To determine if a tailored yoga program could improve age-related changes in hip extension, stride length, and associated indices of gait function in healthy elders, changes that have been linked to increased risk for falls, dependency, and mortality in geriatric populations.

DESIGN: Single group pre-post test exploratory study. A 3-dimensional quantitative gait evaluation, including kinematic and kinetic measurements, was performed pre- and postintervention. Changes over time (baseline to postintervention) in primary and secondary outcome variables were assessed using repeated-measures analysis of variance.

SETTING: Yoga exercises were performed in an academic medical center (group classes) and in the subjects' homes (yoga home-practice assignments). Pre- and postassessments were performed in a gait laboratory.

PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-three healthy adults (age range, 62-83 y) who were naive to yoga were recruited; 19 participants completed the program.

INTERVENTION: An 8-week Iyengar Hatha yoga program specifically tailored to elderly persons and designed to improve lower-body strength and flexibility. Participants attended two 90-minute yoga classes per week, and were asked to complete at least 20 minutes of directed home practice on alternate days.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Peak hip extension, average anterior pelvic tilt, and stride length at comfortable walking speed. RESULTS: Peak hip extension and stride length significantly increased (F1,18=15.44, P<.001; F1,18=5.57, P=.03, respectively). We also observed a trend toward reduced average pelvic tilt (F1,18=4.10, P=.06); adjusting for the modifying influence of frequency of home yoga practice strengthened the significance of this association (adjusted F1,17=14.30, P=.001). Both the frequency and duration of yoga home practice showed a strong, linear, dose-response relationship to changes in hip extension and average pelvic tilt.

CONCLUSIONS: Findings of this exploratory study suggest that yoga practice may improve hip extension, increase stride length, and decrease anterior pelvic tilt in healthy elders, and that yoga programs tailored to elderly adults may offer a cost-effective means of preventing or reducing age-related changes in these indices of gait function.

目標︰ 為了確定一訂做的瑜珈計畫是否能改進在年齡相關的胯關節伸展,步伐長度內的變化,和聯繫步伐功能在健康的長輩內的指標如果, 用於在老年醫學的人口方面的下降,從屬性和死亡率與增加的危險有關係的變化。

設計︰ 單群預崗位的試驗探索的研究。 一3 維定量步伐評估,包括動態和動力尺寸,執行預和postintervention。 在主要和次要結果變量裡的超時變化(對postintervention的基線)被評價重複的使用測量變化的分析。

環境︰ 瑜珈練習在和在學科的家鄉(瑜珈房屋慣例任務)內的一個學術醫療中心(組種類)內執行。 預和postassessments 執行在內一步伐實驗室。

參加者︰ 未曾學過瑜珈的23個健康的成年人被招募(年齡範圍,62-83 y); 19個參加者完成計畫。

干涉︰ 給老人明確訂做並且用於提升低身體的強度和靈活性的一個8 周的Iyengar Hatha瑜珈計畫。 參加者參加每周兩種90 分鐘瑜珈種類,並且被要求隔天完成至少20 分鐘被指導的練習。

主要結果測量︰ 山峰胯關節的伸展,平均前面的骨盆的傾斜和在舒適的走的速度的步伐長度。 結果︰ 胯關節的山峰伸展和步伐長度相當增加(F1,18 P,= 15.44<。 001 ; F1,18 = 5.57,P =。 分別,03)。 我們也對於降低的平均骨盆的傾斜觀察一個趨勢(F1,18 = 4.10,P =。 06); 調整以求修改的家瑜珈實踐的頻率的影響加強這協會的意義(調整F1,17 = 14.30,P =。 001). 那些頻率和持續時間的瑜珈家實踐顯示一堅固,線,劑量回應與胯關節伸展和平均骨盆傾斜變化的關係。

結論︰ 這項探索的研究的結論表明瑜珈練習可以改進胯關節的伸展, 增加步伐長度, 並且在健康的長輩裡減少前方骨盆的傾斜, 並且適合老成年人的瑜珈計畫可能提供防止或者降低在步伐功能的這些指標方面的有關年齡的變化的節省成本的方法。



BACKGROUND: Yoga-based interventions may prove to be an attractive option for the treatment of depression. The aim of this study is to systematically review the research evidence on the effectiveness of yoga for this indication. METHODS: Searches of the major biomedical databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, ClNAHL, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Library were conducted. Specialist complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and the IndMED databases were also searched and efforts made to identify unpublished and ongoing research. Searches were conducted between January and June 2004. Relevant research was categorised by study type and appraised. Clinical commentaries were obtained for studies reporting clinical outcomes. RESULTS: Five randomised controlled trials were located, each of which utilised different forms of yoga interventions and in which the severity of the condition ranged from mild to severe. All trials reported positive findings but methodological details such as method of randomisation, compliance and attrition rates were missing. No adverse effects were reported with the exception of fatigue and breathlessness in participants in one study. LIMITATIONS: No language restrictions were imposed on the searches conducted but no searches of databases in languages other than English were included. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the initial indications are of potentially beneficial effects of yoga interventions on depressive disorders. Variation in interventions, severity and reporting of trial methodology suggests that the findings must be interpreted with caution. Several of the interventions may not be feasible in those with reduced or impaired mobility. Nevertheless, further investigation of yoga as a therapeutic intervention is warranted.

背景︰ 基於瑜珈的干涉可以證明是處理沮喪的一種有吸引力的選擇。 這項研究的目的是有系統為這指示關於瑜珈的效力評論研究證據。 方法︰ 包括線上醫學文件分析和檢索系統,EMBASE,ClNAHL,PsycINFO的主要的生物醫學的數據庫的搜尋和科克倫訊息庫被處理。 和IndMED 數據庫也被搜尋的專家補充醫學和可選醫學(計算機輔助製造)和鑑定未發表過和進行中的研究的做的努力。 搜尋是被在1月和6月之間處理的2004。 相關的研究按研究類型分類並且被估價。 臨床的評論是為研究報告臨床的結果獲得的。 結果︰ 5 randomised 控制審訊被放,每個利用瑜珈干涉的不同的形式, 狀態的嚴厲從溫和範圍到嚴厲。 全部審訊報告積極的結論,但是方法學的細節(例如randomisation,服從和磨損比率的方法)丟失。 在一項研究,在參加者裡,除疲勞和悶熱之外,沒有反作用被報告。 限制︰ 沒有語言限制被施加於處理的搜尋,但是沒有語言數據庫的搜尋除了英語被包括。 結論︰ 總起來,最初跡象具有潛在有利的瑜珈干涉對抑郁症的影響。 在干涉,嚴厲和審訊方法學的報告方面的變化建議結論必須被謹慎解釋。 一些干涉可能不可行在那些有降低或者削弱機動性。 更進一步,雖然如此調查的瑜珈象治療干涉被證明為正當的那樣。